forge Mineable Token Information

Token Contract: 0xAe56c981F9bb8b07E380B209FcD1498c5876Fd4c
Mineable Token uses Bitcoins' Store of Value concept.
By using Proof of Work Mineable Token aims to have a fairly distributed token.
Every 4 years the rate of rewards halves, like Bitcoin.
    Meaning the Mineable Token contract then distributes half as many Mineable Tokens as the previous 4 years.
This is all done using our contract on the Arbitrum One blockchain which is 100% decentralized, fair, trustless, and ownerless!
We aim to not be considered a security by having a 100% decentralized, open and fair distribution.
    It is a good thing to not be a considered security token!
Never before have all these technologies been on such an affordable blockchain.
WhitePaper Mineable Token Arbiscan

Mineable Token Tokenomics Buy/Sell 0xMT

Total Supply - 21,000,000 0xMT Tokens

21,000,000 (100%) 0xMT Tokens distributed via Proof of Work (Mining)
Mineable Token Stats

Mining the Mineable Token Contract

To get started download our GPU miner below

Check the 0xMT Mining Pool or How to Mine buttons below for more information about Pool and Solo GPU mining
0xMT Mining Pool How to Mine Download Windows CPU & GPU Miner Windows CPU & GPU Miner Github Linux CPU & GPU Miner Github

forge Add Tokens to Metamask

Adds Mineable Token (0xMT) to a users Metamask on the Arbitrum Network (ChaindID: 42161)
Click the button below in a browser with Metamask installed

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